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- /*
- ** $VER: HandleIntuiMessage.c V0.01 (14-06-95)
- **
- ** Author: Gerben Venekamp
- ** Updates: 14-06-95 Version 0.01 Initial module
- **
- ** HandleIntuiMessages.c waits for a message and acts accordingly to it.
- **
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/gadtools.h>
- #include <proto/graphics.h>
- #include <proto/intuition.h>
- #include "IFFConverter.h"
- #define MouseCoordsTextX 140L
- #define MouseCoordsTextY 1L
- // Defining Variables
- BOOL PictureValid = FALSE;
- BOOL Clipping = FALSE;
- BOOL ChangeActivationWindow = TRUE;
- BOOL DrawHairCross;
- enum ByteBoundry ByteBoundry = BB_None; // initialise with default value.
- UWORD PicWidth;
- UWORD PicHeight;
- UWORD PicDepth;
- ULONG PicSize;
- // This is a structure, because we need to pass these variables to another module.
- IFFClip_s IFFClip;
- // Set 'OldClipLeft' to a value < 0, so when drawing the clip rectangle
- // for the first time, we don't REMOVE the rectangle. Because none
- // has been drawn.
- WORD OldClipLeft = -1;
- WORD OldClipTop;
- WORD OldClipRight;
- WORD OldClipBottom;
- // Same here for 'OldMouseX' as 'OldClipLeft' above. Just that it is
- // for the hot cursor point cross.
- WORD OldMouseX = -1;
- WORD OldMouseY;
- UBYTE *MouseCoords;
- char NoMouseCoords[] = "---- × ----"; // String length should be exactly the same as in IText_MouseCoords
- struct IntuiText IText_MouseCoords = {
- 1, 2,
- JAM2,
- 0, 0,
- "---- × ----",
- };
- // Defining protos
- void HandleIntuiMessages(void);
- void HandleClipping_Mouse(WORD, WORD);
- void HandleClipping_Gadget(void);
- void DrawClipRect(struct RastPort *, UWORD, UWORD, UWORD, UWORD);
- void DrawCross(struct RastPort *, UWORD, UWORD);
- void MakeByteBoundry(WORD *, BOOL);
- void UpdateClipping(void);
- /*
- ** HandleIntuiMessages()
- **
- ** Waits for an events to happen. This done through the Wait(...)
- ** call. If a signal comes in, 'HandleIntuiMessages' gets the message
- ** associated with the signal from the right messageport. The signal
- ** can come from either the 'PanelWindow' or 'ViewWindow'. The same
- ** code is used to handle the message from both screens. This is SAVE,
- ** because all messages generated by the 'ViewWindow' are shared by
- ** the 'PanelWindow'. The additional messages generated by the
- ** 'PanelWindow' are only generated by pressing gadgets. These
- ** gadgets ONLY appear on the 'PanelWindow'.
- **
- ** pre: None.
- ** post: None.
- **
- */
- void HandleIntuiMessages()
- {
- BOOL ExitLoop = FALSE;
- BOOL PanelInFront = TRUE;
- BOOL RemoveInfoWindow;
- ULONG Signals;
- ULONG PanelSignal = 1L << PanelWindow->UserPort->mp_SigBit;
- ULONG ViewSignal = 1L << ViewWindow ->UserPort->mp_SigBit;
- ULONG InfoSignal = NULL;
- struct IntuiMessage *ConverterMessage = NULL;
- SavePicStruct_t PictureToSave;
- // Make 'MouseCoords' point to the right text.
- MouseCoords = IText_MouseCoords.IText;
- // Print the mouse coordinates one time. This is because when we
- // startup, no picture is loaded and 'PrintIText' inside
- // 'case IDCMP_MOUSEMOVE:' will never be called, until a good picture
- // is loaded.
- PrintIText(&(PanelScreen->RastPort), &IText_MouseCoords, MouseCoordsTextX, MouseCoordsTextY);
- do {
- Signals = Wait(PanelSignal | ViewSignal | InfoSignal);
- RemoveInfoWindow = FALSE;
- do {
- if( Signals & PanelSignal ) // Check if 'PanelWindow' sent the message.
- ConverterMessage = GT_GetIMsg(PanelWindow->UserPort);
- else
- if( Signals & ViewSignal ) // Check if 'ViewWindow' sent the message.
- ConverterMessage = GT_GetIMsg(ViewWindow->UserPort);
- else
- if( Signals & InfoSignal ) // Check if 'InfoWindow' sent the message.
- ConverterMessage = GT_GetIMsg(InfoWindow->UserPort);
- if(ConverterMessage ) // Did a valid message appear?
- {
- switch( ((struct Gadget *) ConverterMessage->IAddress)->GadgetID )
- {
- LONG TempLong, TempLong2;
- case GD_Quit:
- FadeColours( FADE_DOWN, 320, ViewScreen );
- ExitLoop = TRUE;
- break;
- case GD_Load:
- CloseThisWindow(&InfoWindow);
- InfoSignal = NULL;
- PositionScreen(PanelScreen, 0, 12);
- GetGadgetStatus(GD_FileMode, GTCY_Active, &TempLong,
- LoadPicture( (enum FileModeType) TempLong);
- PositionScreen(PanelScreen, PubScreenHeight-PanelHeight, 12);
- PrintIText( &(PanelScreen->RastPort), &IText_MouseCoords, MouseCoordsTextX, MouseCoordsTextY );
- break;
- case GD_Save:
- CloseThisWindow(&InfoWindow);
- InfoSignal = NULL;
- PositionScreen(PanelScreen, 0, 12);
- GetGadgetStatus(GD_FileMode, GTCY_Active, &TempLong,
- GetGadgetStatus(GD_RenderMode, GTCY_Active, &TempLong2,
- SavePicture( &PictureToSave );
- // SavePicture(struct Screen *, enum FileModeType, enum RenderModeType, IFFClip_s *);
- PositionScreen(PanelScreen, PubScreenHeight-PanelHeight, 12);
- PrintIText(&(PanelScreen->RastPort), &IText_MouseCoords, MouseCoordsTextX, MouseCoordsTextY);
- break;
- case GD_ClipWidth:
- GetGadgetStatus(GD_ClipWidth, GTIN_Number, &TempLong,
- if(TempLong != 0)
- {
- if( TempLong >= 1 )
- IFFClip.ClipWidth = TempLong - 1;
- else
- IFFClip.ClipWidth = TempLong + 1;
- HandleClipping_Gadget();
- }
- break;
- case GD_ClipHeight:
- GetGadgetStatus(GD_ClipHeight, GTIN_Number, &TempLong,
- if(TempLong != 0)
- {
- if( TempLong >= 1 )
- IFFClip.ClipHeight = TempLong - 1;
- else
- IFFClip.ClipHeight = TempLong + 1;
- HandleClipping_Gadget();
- }
- break;
- case GD_ClipLeft:
- GetGadgetStatus(GD_ClipLeft, GTIN_Number, &TempLong,
- IFFClip.ClipWidth = IFFClip.ClipWidth - TempLong + IFFClip.ClipLeft;
- IFFClip.ClipLeft = TempLong;
- HandleClipping_Gadget();
- break;
- case GD_ClipTop:
- GetGadgetStatus(GD_ClipTop, GTIN_Number, &TempLong,
- IFFClip.ClipHeight = IFFClip.ClipHeight - TempLong + IFFClip.ClipTop;
- IFFClip.ClipTop = TempLong;
- HandleClipping_Gadget();
- break;
- case GD_DrawCross:
- GetGadgetStatus(GD_DrawCross, GTCB_Checked, &TempLong,
- DrawHairCross = (BOOL)TempLong;
- break;
- case GD_Info:
- InfoSignal = DisplayInfo();
- break;
- case GD_ByteBoundry:
- GetGadgetStatus(GD_ByteBoundry, GTMX_Active, &ByteBoundry,
- break;
- }
- switch(ConverterMessage->Class)
- {
- if( ((PanelWindow->MouseY < 0) || Clipping) && PictureValid )
- {
- WORD MouseX = ViewWindow->MouseX;
- WORD MouseY = ViewWindow->MouseY;
- MakeByteBoundry( &MouseX, Clipping );
- if(MouseX < 0 ) MouseX = 0;
- if(MouseX >= PicWidth ) MouseX = PicWidth-1;
- if(MouseY < 0 ) MouseY = 0;
- if(MouseY >= PicHeight) MouseY = PicHeight-1;
- MakeDecimal(MouseX, MouseCoords, 4);
- MakeDecimal(MouseY, MouseCoords+7, 4);
- PrintIText(&(PanelScreen->RastPort), &IText_MouseCoords, MouseCoordsTextX, MouseCoordsTextY);
- if( !Clipping )
- {
- if( OldMouseX >= 0 )
- DrawCross( &(ViewScreen->RastPort), OldMouseX, OldMouseY );
- DrawCross( &(ViewScreen->RastPort), MouseX, MouseY );
- OldMouseX = MouseX;
- OldMouseY = MouseY;
- }
- else
- HandleClipping_Mouse( MouseX, MouseY );
- }
- else
- {
- UWORD i;
- UBYTE *copy1 = MouseCoords;
- UBYTE *copy2 = NoMouseCoords;
- for(i=0; i<sizeof(NoMouseCoords); i++)
- *copy1++ = *copy2++;
- PrintIText(&(PanelScreen->RastPort), &IText_MouseCoords, MouseCoordsTextX, MouseCoordsTextY);
- if( OldMouseX >= 0 )
- DrawCross( &(ViewScreen->RastPort), OldMouseX, OldMouseY );
- OldMouseX = -1;
- }
- break;
- if( ConverterMessage->Code == IECODE_RBUTTON )
- {
- ULONG register ScreenDepthFlag;
- if( PanelInFront )
- ScreenDepthFlag = SDEPTH_TOBACK;
- else
- ScreenDepthFlag = SDEPTH_TOFRONT;
- ScreenDepth(PanelScreen, ScreenDepthFlag | SDEPTH_INFAMILY, NULL);
- PanelInFront = !PanelInFront;
- }
- if( (ConverterMessage->Code == IECODE_LBUTTON) && PictureValid )
- {
- if( PanelWindow->MouseY < 0 )
- {
- IFFClip.ClipPointX = ViewWindow->MouseX;
- IFFClip.ClipPointY = ViewWindow->MouseY;
- Clipping = TRUE;
- DrawCross( &(ViewScreen->RastPort), OldMouseX, OldMouseY );
- HandleClipping_Mouse( IFFClip.ClipPointX, IFFClip.ClipPointY );
- }
- }
- else
- if( ConverterMessage->Code == (IECODE_LBUTTON | IECODE_UP_PREFIX) )
- {
- if( Clipping == TRUE )
- {
- OldMouseX = ViewWindow->MouseX;
- OldMouseY = ViewWindow->MouseY;
- DrawCross( &(ViewScreen->RastPort), OldMouseX, OldMouseY );
- }
- Clipping = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- RemoveInfoWindow = TRUE;
- break;
- } // END switch
- } // END if
- GT_ReplyIMsg(ConverterMessage);
- } while (ConverterMessage); // More messages?
- if( RemoveInfoWindow )
- {
- CloseThisWindow(&InfoWindow);
- InfoSignal = NULL;
- }
- } while (!ExitLoop); // Loop until exit.
- }
- /*
- ** HandlClipping_Mouse(MouseX, MouseY)
- **
- ** Handle clipping when the mouse moved.
- **
- ** pre: MouseX, MouseY - Current x,y coordinates of the mouse.
- ** post: None.
- **
- */
- void HandleClipping_Mouse(register WORD MouseX, register WORD MouseY)
- {
- if(MouseX < 0 ) MouseX = 0;
- if(MouseX >= PicWidth ) MouseX = PicWidth-1;
- if(MouseY < 0 ) MouseY = 0;
- if(MouseY >= PicHeight) MouseY = PicHeight-1;
- if( MouseX >= IFFClip.ClipPointX )
- IFFClip.ClipLeft = IFFClip.ClipPointX;
- else
- IFFClip.ClipLeft = MouseX;
- if( MouseY >= IFFClip.ClipPointY )
- IFFClip.ClipTop = IFFClip.ClipPointY;
- else
- IFFClip.ClipTop = MouseY;
- if( (IFFClip.ClipWidth = MouseX - IFFClip.ClipPointX) < 0 )
- IFFClip.ClipWidth = -IFFClip.ClipWidth;
- if( (IFFClip.ClipHeight = MouseY - IFFClip.ClipPointY) < 0 )
- IFFClip.ClipHeight = -IFFClip.ClipHeight;
- IFFClip.ClipSize = ((IFFClip.ClipWidth + 8) >> 3) * (IFFClip.ClipHeight + 1) * PicDepth;
- UpdateClipping();
- }
- /*
- ** HandleClipping_Gadget()
- **
- ** Handle all clipping when one or more of the clipping gadgets has changed.
- **
- ** pre: None.
- ** post: None.
- **
- */
- void HandleClipping_Gadget()
- {
- // Check if 'ClipWidth' is negative.
- if( IFFClip.ClipWidth < 0 )
- {
- // Negative 'ClipWidth' makes little sence, so make it postive
- // and adjust 'ClipLeft' to compensate for negative width.
- IFFClip.ClipWidth = -IFFClip.ClipWidth;
- IFFClip.ClipLeft = IFFClip.ClipLeft - IFFClip.ClipWidth;
- }
- // Check if 'ClipHeight' is negative.
- if( IFFClip.ClipHeight < 0 )
- {
- // Negative 'ClipHeight' makes little sence, so make it postive
- // and adjust 'ClipTop' to compensate for negative height.
- IFFClip.ClipHeight = -IFFClip.ClipHeight;
- IFFClip.ClipTop = IFFClip.ClipTop - IFFClip.ClipHeight;
- }
- if( IFFClip.ClipLeft < 0 )
- // 'ClipLeft' cannot be smaller than 0! So, when nagative, make it 0.
- IFFClip.ClipLeft = 0;
- else
- if( IFFClip.ClipLeft >= PicWidth )
- // 'ClipLeft' cannot be greater than 'PicWidth'.
- IFFClip.ClipLeft = PicWidth - 1;
- if( IFFClip.ClipTop < 0 )
- // 'ClipTop' cannot be negative. Make it 0.
- IFFClip.ClipTop = 0;
- else
- if( IFFClip.ClipTop >= PicHeight )
- // 'ClipTop' cannot be greater than 'PicHeight'.
- IFFClip.ClipTop = PicHeight - 1;
- // See whether 'ClipWidth' and 'ClipHeight' still fits the screen boundry.
- if( (IFFClip.ClipWidth + IFFClip.ClipPointX) > PicWidth )
- IFFClip.ClipWidth = PicWidth - IFFClip.ClipLeft - 1;
- if( (IFFClip.ClipHeight + IFFClip.ClipPointY) > PicHeight )
- IFFClip.ClipHeight = PicHeight - IFFClip.ClipTop - 1;
- IFFClip.ClipSize = ((IFFClip.ClipWidth + 8) >> 3) * (IFFClip.ClipHeight + 1) * PicDepth;
- UpdateClipping();
- }
- /*
- ** UpdateClipping()
- **
- ** 'UpdateClipping' preforms a total update of the clipping. This
- ** means that the old Clip rectangle is ereased and the new one
- ** drawn. Also, the gadget containing size and offset, are updated.
- **
- ** pre: None.
- ** post: None.
- **
- */
- void UpdateClipping()
- {
- UpdateDimensions(GD_ClipLeft, IFFClip.ClipLeft,
- GD_ClipTop, IFFClip.ClipTop,
- GD_ClipWidth, IFFClip.ClipWidth + 1,
- GD_ClipHeight, IFFClip.ClipHeight + 1,
- GD_ClipSize, IFFClip.ClipSize,
- GD_Sentinal);
- if( OldClipLeft >= 0 )
- DrawClipRect( &(ViewScreen->RastPort), OldClipLeft, OldClipTop, OldClipRight, OldClipBottom );
- DrawClipRect( &(ViewScreen->RastPort), IFFClip.ClipLeft, IFFClip.ClipTop, IFFClip.ClipLeft + IFFClip.ClipWidth, IFFClip.ClipTop + IFFClip.ClipHeight );
- OldClipLeft = IFFClip.ClipLeft;
- OldClipTop = IFFClip.ClipTop;
- OldClipRight = IFFClip.ClipLeft + IFFClip.ClipWidth;
- OldClipBottom = IFFClip.ClipTop + IFFClip.ClipHeight;
- }
- /*
- ** DrawClipRect(rp, X1, Y1, X2, Y2)
- **
- ** Draws a rectangle.
- **
- ** pre: rp - pointer to the destination RastPort.
- ** X1, Y1 - x, y coordinates of rectangle.
- ** X2, Y2 - x, y coordinates of rectangle.
- ** post: None.
- **
- */
- void DrawClipRect(struct RastPort *rp, UWORD X1, UWORD Y1, UWORD X2, UWORD Y2)
- {
- register UBYTE ViewDrawMode = GetDrMd( &(ViewScreen->RastPort) );
- SetDrMd( &(ViewScreen->RastPort), COMPLEMENT );
- Move(rp, X1, Y1);
- Draw(rp, X2, Y1);
- Draw(rp, X2, Y2);
- Draw(rp, X1, Y2);
- Draw(rp, X1, Y1);
- SetDrMd( &(ViewScreen->RastPort), ViewDrawMode );
- }
- /*
- ** DrawCross(rp, X, Y)
- **
- ** Draw a cross to indicate the cursor hot point.
- **
- ** pre: rp- pointer to the destination RastPort
- ** X, Y - x, y coordinates of cursor hot point.
- ** post: None.
- **
- */
- void DrawCross(struct RastPort *rp, UWORD X, UWORD Y)
- {
- register UBYTE ViewDrawMode;
- if( DrawHairCross )
- {
- ViewDrawMode = GetDrMd( &(ViewScreen->RastPort) );
- SetDrMd( &(ViewScreen->RastPort), COMPLEMENT );
- Move(rp, 0, Y);
- Draw(rp, (ViewScreen->Width) - 1, Y);
- Move(rp, X, 0);
- Draw(rp, X, (ViewScreen->Height) - 1);
- SetDrMd( &(ViewScreen->RastPort), ViewDrawMode );
- }
- }
- /*
- ** MakeByteBoundry( coord )
- **
- ** Depending on the type of Boundry coord gets a new value.
- ** There are several different Boundry types:
- ** None - No changes to coord.
- ** Type 1 - The width of the clip reagon is a multple of 8.
- ** Type 2 - The left coordinate of the clip reagon is a multiple of 8.
- ** Type 3 - The left and width of the clip reagon are both a multiple of 8.
- **
- ** pre: coord - Pixel values.
- ** post: coord - Pixel values according to ByteBoundry.
- **
- */
- void MakeByteBoundry(WORD *coord, BOOL Clipping)
- {
- switch( ByteBoundry )
- {
- case BB_Type1:
- *coord = (*coord +7) & 0xfff8;
- case BB_Type2:
- if( Clipping )
- *coord = (*coord +7) & 0xfff8;
- case BB_Type3:
- break;
- }
- }